About Lisa Amols
I graduated in 1977 from the University of Connecticut with a BFA in Theater, and a concentration on Directing and Dance. I lived for two years in Los Angeles, CA, and although I was studying film acting, I was also taking a lot of dance classes, and I loved going to the gym, the pool, running, biking, and just feeling FIT! I moved back east, worked in a Gloria Stevens Salon in Newport, R.I. for two years (if you're under 45, you'll think, "what is Gloria Stevens?"), moved to the Vineyard in 1982, became certified with AFAA (The Aerobics and Fitness Association of America) in 1984 (ironically, based in LA), and began my little part time career as a Fitness Instructor. Eventually, I married, built my Studio, had two children, and as they grew, I decided to grow too, and upgrade my studio to the friendly beautiful space it is today! The rest, as they say, is history.